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Metfilm School

Policies and Key Documents

In this section, you can access a range of MetFilm School policies and key documents.

About MetFilm School, Strategy 2022-27

Academic Freedom Policy

At MetFilm, academic freedom is defined by its academic community having, within the available resource and within the institutional codes of conduct, the right(s) to:

  • freedom in teaching and discussion;
  • freedom in carrying out research without commercial or political interference;
  • freedom to disseminate and publish one’s research findings;
  • freedom from institutional censorship, including the right to express one’s opinion publicly about the institution or the education system in which one works;
  • freedom to participate in professional and representative academic bodies.

Academic Regulations (UWL)

Acceptable Use of IT Policy

Admissions Policy

The admissions process is designed to ensure that applicants possess the abilities and aptitudes to complete their studies successfully and go onto future success in their careers.

MetFilm School’s Admissions Team is based in London and Berlin, and handles Admissions for all accredited and non-accredited courses for the London and Berlin Schools.

Anti-Bribery Policy

Attendance and Engagement Monitoring Policy

This policy outlines the approach MetFilm School takes to monitoring student engagement and attendance. It explains how and why we monitor students attendance of teaching sessions and what steps we can take where students are not engaged or have stopped engaging for any reason with their programme of study.

Cookie Policy

Complaints from Members of the General Public Policy

The School recognises that, on occasion, legitimate complaints may be raised by members of the general public in relation to their experiences of services or facilities provided by the School, their experiences on School premises, or in relation to interactions with our students. The School takes complaints and feedback from all individuals seriously and acknowledges that lessons can be learnt from them, to inform improvements. This policy provides guidance on the appropriate avenues for raising such concerns in a transparent and fair manner.

Consideration of Disclosed Criminal Convictions Policy

This policy details how MetFilm School will consider applications from students who disclose criminal convictions. This process aims to ensure that MetFilm School fulfils its responsibilities and obligations for the safety of the entire MetFilm School community and the safeguarding of children, young people and adults with whom MetFilm School students are in contact as part of their studies and work and also for the assurance of the individual, external agencies and MetFilm School itself.

Data Protection Policy

MetFilm is committed to the protection of individuals’ rights and privacy. This Policy has been developed to provide detailed guidance on the correct and lawful processing of personal data, to ensure that all staff, students and other workers who process personal data on behalf of MetFilm are doing so in accordance with all UK Data Protection Legislation.

Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Strategy

MetFilm School is committed to providing and supporting an inclusive environment that promotes equality and diversity. We are proud of our diverse community where all can reach their full potential and flourish whatever their background. This strategy is aligned with MetFilm School’s Equal Opportunity and Diversity Policy and the Access and Participation statement.

Equal Opportunity and Diversity Policy

The Equality Act 2010 and the Equality Amendment Order 2012 require MetFilm to maintain an Equality & Diversity policy. This policy ensures MetFilm’s commitment to develop an inclusive and supportive environment for students and staff, where all are able to participate and where everyone has the opportunity to fulfil their potential.

External Speaker Policy

This policy covers all events hosted by MetFilm School, the MetFilm School Student Senate and events hosted by external organisations that take place on our premises. Also covered by this policy are events taking place off-campus, where the School is hosting (or co-hosting) an event.

Financial Statements

Below are the latest financial statements.

Fitness to Study Policy

The purpose of this policy and related procedure is to outline the steps that MetFilm School will follow when concerns are raised about the fitness to study of one of its students. It is intended as a supportive procedure which can be used by staff when a student’s health, wellbeing and/or behaviour is having a detrimental impact on their ability to progress academically and function at MetFilm School.

Freedom of Speech Policy

In accordance with the requirements of S.43 of the Education (no. 2) Act 1986 MetFilm makes the following regulations, governing the conduct of staff and students, and prescribing procedures to be followed in order to maintain freedom of speech within the law on MetFilm premises. They are to be read in conjunction with other MetFilm policy and procedure, including disciplinary procedures, which they supplement but do not supersede.

Guidance on Content Notice

Harassment and Bullying Policy

This policy explains how you as a student at MetFilm School can report any bullying or harassment and explains the steps MetFilm School will take to support you and to sanction any such behaviour if reported.

Health & Safety Policy

The Health & Safety Policy sets out the organisation and arrangements for achieving and maintaining adequate standards of health and safety at work throughout the organisation.

Our statement of general policy is:

  • to provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities.
  • to consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety.
  • to provide and maintain safe plant and equipment.
  • to ensure safe handling and use of substances.
  • to provide information, instruction and supervision for employees.
  • to ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training.
  • to prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health.
  • to maintain safe and healthy working condition and.
  • to review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.

Interruption, Withdrawal & Internal Transfer Procedure Policy

Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy

This document outlines MetFilm’s approach to teaching, learning and assessment including marking and moderation and assessment turnaround times.

Legitimate Interests Statement

Under the new data protection law, we have a number of lawful reasons that we can use (or ‘process’) your personal information. One of the lawful reasons is called ‘legitimate interests’.

Marking Moderation & Feedback Policy

Modern Slavery Statement

OFS Transparency 2023 Information

The information published on these pages shows:

The number of students who attained a particular degree or other academic award, or a particular level of such an award, on completion of their course with us.

It shows these numbers by reference to:

  • The gender of the individuals to which they relate;
  • Their ethnicity;
  • Their socio-economic background.

Table 1a: Percentage of classified first degrees at grade 2:1 or above by characteristic for 2021-22 qualifiers.

Table 1b: Detailed information on attainment for 2021-22 qualifiers.

Peer Review

Privacy Policy

MetFilm is committed to maintaining the security and integrity of the data we hold on all of our stakeholders.

MetFilm collect various types of personal data and take appropriate precautions to protect this information from loss, misuse, unauthorised access or disclosure, alteration or destruction. All personal data is stored in secure databases.

Public Interest Disclosure Policy

Refund Policy

MetFilm School considers refunds and compensation to be a remedy of last resort and is committed to using its best endeavours to ensure all students are able to continue and complete their studies at MetFilm School. It is however important to explain how MetFilm School will refund or compensate students if MetFilm School is unable to preserve that continuity of study.

This policy covers three situations:

  • where a student withdraws from a course for a variety of reasons.
  • where MetFilm School makes a change to a course.
  • where MetFilm School is unable to continue offering tuition.


Safeguarding Policy

The School is committed to carrying out its duty to protect and safeguard young people and adults at risk who may have suffered abuse, who may be at risk of abuse or who may wish to disclose allegations of abuse whether that alleged abuse concerns employees of the School, other students or any other person unconnected with the School. This policy outlines the purpose, principles, procedures, training and monitoring in relation to safeguarding.

Staff Student Relationship Policy

This policy outlines MetFilm’s position on relationships between members of staff and students. The relationship between students and staff are central to the student experience and this policy is intended to ensure that these relationships are professional, have boundaries, and are founded on mutual trust and confidence.

Student Concerns, Complaints & Appeals Policy

MetFilm School seeks to maintain the highest standards in its provision of courses, services and facilities to students. It is important that students receive a productive and rigorous learning experience, and the School endeavours to create an environment of trust, respect and the unprejudiced exchange of feedback in interactions with staff and students in the academic community. The School recognises that on occasion students may have legitimate worries about their programme, availability or quality of facilities or other matters within the School. This policy provides guidance on the appropriate avenues for raising these concerns in a transparent and fair manner.

Student Disciplinary Policy

This policy outlines how MetFilm School will respond in the event of a report of inappropriate behaviour by a student. It explains the three-stage process of escalation that we apply, and signposts to other relevant policies students undergoing a disciplinary process might wish to consult, including the Student Disciplinary Appeals Policy.

Student Handbooks

This handbook is for students on all MetFilm School (MFS) courses and sets out important information which you need to know as a student whilst you undertake your studies with us.

MetFilm School requires that all students have read and understood this handbook.

For previous versions of the Student Handbook, please contact

Student Parents, Carers, and Pregnant Students Policy

Student Protection Plan

This Student Protection Plan (the “Plan”) has been drawn up to set out the measures that we will take in order to protect our students’ continuation of study on Accredited Courses in the event of changes to or closure of such Accredited Course, or closure of a campus or the School, as described in this Plan.

Student Transfer

Terms and Conditions

MetFilm’s terms and conditions set out the basis of your contractual relationship with the school for all non-accredited and accredited courses.

UWL Terms and Conditions for Subcontracted Courses

These Terms and Conditions apply only to students on ScreenSpace courses, as they are studying a University of West London course delivered on behalf of the University at MetFilm School under a sub-contract arrangement.