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Student Takeover – Accommodation

Missed the January Deadline? It’s not too late


Metfilm School

Metfilm School

Brighton Accommodation

Student Accommodation in Brighton

Brighton is the ultimate cosmopolitan city for a creative student. With breath-taking locations on your door step such as the beach and the South Downs countryside and a range of vibrant nightlife hot spots, Brighton is one of the most colourful and creative cities to live in the UK.

There are several accommodation options you can choose from during your time at MetFilm School Brighton ranging from privately renting with other film school students or halls of residence MetFilm School Brighton have access to.

Plus, our friendly Admissions Team are here should you need any further accommodation advice, so don’t hesitate to get in touch.

We can’t wait for you to start this next exciting chapter. See you in Brighton!


Tips for Viewing Brighton Properties

  • We recommend viewing a property at least twice. You’ll be more likely to notice problems the second time around
  • Take someone with you or let someone else know exactly where you are when you visit a property, just to err on the side of caution
  • It’s also a good idea to visit the area at night. If you do this, please ensure you stick to the point above and take someone with you
  • Make sure you and all your other housemates view the property. Don’t take someone else’s word that the property is right for you
  • Compare a range of different landlords and properties
  • Take your time and don’t let landlords pressure you – there is a surplus of good properties in the area and you will find somewhere you like
  • When you go to view, take notes and photos and use our checklist to make sure you don’t miss anything.
  • Get informed – knowing your rights will help you view properties more critically and put you in a stronger negotiating position

Where to live

MetFilm School Central is located at 48a Old Steine, Brighton, BN1 1NH. Our main studio building – Brighton Film Studios – is located just a short bus ride away in Bevendean.

Hair and Makeup as well as Production students especially, would find living near Bevendean more beneficial than near Old Steine.

Brighton is a relatively small city and there is an abundance of student accommodation within a fairly short distance of the film school. We expect students to live within a reasonable distance: please take into consideration the cost of travelling and the time it takes to get to the film school sites from where you choose to live.

