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Metfilm School

Metfilm School

Eight-Week Directing

Start Date & Pricing
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Start Date & Pricing
8 weeks
Course available in



This full-time course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive foundation in directing. It gives students practical experience in all key areas of filmmaking and focuses on directing actors and screen storytelling. Eight Week Directing culminates in shooting a variety of exercises and scenes. It covers the essential craft areas of screenwriting, casting and directing actors, camera, sound and editing. The course is intensive and it is ideal for those considering a change in career or wanting to understand if this career is for them.

Why Take the Course?

Why Take the Course?

During this course you will:

  • Gain an understanding of the established directing methods
  • Interpret a script and create a storyboard
  • Learn to structure a script for storytelling purposes
  • Gain practical knowledge of how to cast and direct actors for the camera
  • Understand how to use the camera to tell a story and shoot for the edit
  • Learn how to record sound and use it creatively for dramatic impact
  • Gain an understanding of the principles of continuity editing and how to operate Adobe Premiere
  • Get familiar with the correct set procedures

What you will study

What you will study

The following list is an overview of the topics and themes covered in Eight-Week Directing. For more information, please download the course outline below.

These sessions will give you an understanding of how to cast and direct actors for the camera. You will be introduced to the different established methods of directing. Skills in managing a crew and directing using the correct set procedures are also covered.

Students will cover the essential directing skills needed for interpreting a script and using the basic principles of how to cover a scene. Learn about the importance and use of storyboards.

Students examine how to develop a powerful on-screen mood through creative use of performance, script, camera, sound, editing, and music.

Students study the unique elements of writing for the screen and how to structure a script. Learn to recognise the correct format for synopses/treatments and how screenplays are formatted. Students will also start to identify what makes a concept cinematic.

Students are introduced to the technical requirements of filmmaking, giving them competence in the basic set-up and handling of audio and video equipment. They will be introduced to editing with Adobe Premiere Pro and gain an understanding of the principles of continuity editing.


Entry Requirements

Entry Requirements

Minimum Age: 18 at the start of the course.

This course is open enrolment and there are no entry requirements.

In order to get the most out of the course, you should be able to both speak and write in English to a reasonable standard.

Please be aware that we have a limited number of places available for each course intake and operate on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Duration: Eight Weeks Full-Time (Monday – Friday, 10am – 5pm).
  • Location: Berlin

For more information on the Eight-Week Directing course, please visit:

