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Metfilm School

Metfilm School

Four-Week Acting for Film (Level 2)

Start Date & Pricing
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Start Date & Pricing
4 weeks
Course available in
London, Leeds, Berlin, + 2 more



Four-Week Acting for Film (Level 2) is a Full-Time Screen-Acting course for those who wish to build on their previous experience of acting for camera, or those who have completed the Four-Week Acting for Film Level 1 course. For this course you will need to supply a CV and showreel to demonstrate your acting experience.

Why Take the Course?

Why Take the Course?

Four-Week Acting for Film – Level 2 is an intensive course for students with some acting experience who are looking for a practical, industry-focused training to upskill their knowledge and kick-start their acting careers.

Four-Week Acting for Film (Level 2) is designed to improve the understanding, knowledge and practice in the following core areas:

  • Techniques for improving vocal and physical expression
  • The key ‘schools’ of acting
  • Working with industry professionals
  • Enhanced onscreen acting skills and technical understanding
  • Career opportunities available for actors in the screen industry
  • On set practices and the relationship of the actor to the crew

What you will study

What you will study

The following list is an overview of the topics and themes covered in Four-Week Acting for Film (Level 2). For more information, please download the course outline below.

Sessions focus on voice and movement are designed to develop student’s physical presence and vocal expressiveness as a performer.

The core acting skills are drawn from the Meisner technique, Mast, Improvisation, Stanislavski and Clown.

These sessions will prepare students for the different forms an audition can take and give a good understanding of how to rehearse and perform an audition piece.

By looking at the details of accent and dialogue student’s will expand their performance capabilities increasing their appeal to casting directors.


Entry Requirements

Entry Requirements

Minimum Age: 18 at the start of the course.

Students must have completed our Four-Week Acting for Film (Level 1), or submit a CV and showreel to demonstrate their acting experience.

In order to get the most out of the course, you should be able to both speak and write in English to a reasonable standard.

Please be aware that we have a limited number of places available for each course intake and operate on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Duration: Four Weeks Full-Time (Monday – Friday, 10am – 5pm).
  • Location: London, Leeds, Berlin, Brighton, Birmingham, Manchester

For more information on the Four-Week Acting for Film (Level 2) course, please visit:

