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Metfilm School

Metfilm School

Privacy Policy

Purpose of this Notice

MetFilm Ltd and MetFilm School Ltd (MetFilm) exist to bridge education and industry to inspire the next generation of smart screen creatives.

We do this through operating educational institutions, and related companies to provide training courses and work opportunities to our students and graduates. We also aim to maintain strong links with former students of the courses.

For the purposes of this policy, MetFilm Ltd is registered as company number 04790426 and as a data controller with the Information Commissioners Office, our registration number is Z1335592 and you can find our registration here:

For the purposes of this policy, MetFilm School Ltd is registered as company number 06723644 as a data controller with the Information Commissioners Office, our registration number is Z228019X and you can find our registration here:

Our Data Protection Officer can be contacted by emailing

Our Data Protection Policy can be found on the Policies and Key Documents page.

This notice details how MetFilm collects, stores and processes personal information about our students, prospective students, alumni, staff and other stakeholders.

MetFilm is committed to maintaining the security and integrity of the data we hold on all of our stakeholders.

Our activities are currently governed by the Data Protection Act 1998 – as of 25 May 2018 this will change to the General Data Protection Regulations.

This notice is liable to change, the most up-to-date version may be found on our websites.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.

We aim to provide suitable services to enquiring students, current students, and alumni, we regard these services as an important and integral part of the School’s long-term commitment to all its students and alumni.

An enquiring student is defined as:

  • A student, or representative of a student, who has enquired either via email, phone, in person, or via other electronic means, with the school regarding a course that we offer.
  • A student who has booked a course with us, but has not yet started their course with us

A current student is defined as:

  • A student who is actively studying with us

An Alumni is defined as:

  • A student who has completed their studies with us.
  • We do not actively differentiate between our accredited and non-accredited student body once they have become an Alumni.

We commit to always ensure that our enquiring students, current students and alumni’s data and privacy is treated respectfully, carefully and in accordance with all relevant legislation.

We receive your personal data from the following sources:

  • Enquiring to us via our website, email, telephone or in person at an event
  • Filling in an application form
  • Making an online booking with us
  • Through personal interactions and communications with alumni
  • When requesting a transcript or certificate
  • When booking a place at an alumni event.
  • When responding to an alumni survey
  • MetFilm may from time to time gather information from publicly available sources to improve the quality and accuracy of your personal details. This may include such details such as business information and career details.
  • MetFilm may also from time to time use third parties to update details, for instance suppression information from the Telephone Preference Service or updates from the National Change of Address register. Where third parties provide these services to us they are only allowed to use your data in accordance with the strict instructions of the School. The third party is required to hold the data confidentially and securely and will not use your data in any other way. Your data will only be kept for as long as necessary and will then be destroyed.

We collect various types of personal data including many of the following:

  • Title, names, gender and date of birth
  • Health and Medical Information
  • Contact details
  • Contact preferences
  • Education details
  • Business details
  • Relationships with staff, alumni, other stakeholders
  • Event attendance details
  • Interactions between you and MetFilm
  • Our website may log your IP address (your unique internet address) and browser type when you visit our website.
  • We may use cookies. A cookie is a small amount of data that is sent to your browser from a web server and stored on your computer’s hard drive. If you revisit our website, our web server may recognise the cookie and provide information about your last visit. Usually you can modify the settings of your browser to accept or reject all cookies or as an alternative to be notified when a cookie is set. Here you can view our Cookie Policy.

We process your data to fulfil our stated aims of bridging education and industry to inspire the next generation of smart screen creatives.

To further these goals we may process your personal data for the following purposes:

  • to properly process or administer the information, courses, products or other services you have requested or ordered.
  • to add you to our mailing list, so that we can send you details of other courses, products or services provided by us or by our partners that we believe may be of interest to you.
  • we may use cookies to provide a more personalised and user-friendly visit to our website and to help us track user traffic patterns. A cookie cannot read your hard disk or other cookie files.
  • to update your details to ensure we have as accurate information as possible
  • to understand if you are interested in different courses that we offer
  • to deliver our courses to you
  • to process gifts you may have made
  • to register for events
  • to verify your details when you enquire with us
  • to retain details of communications between MetFilm and you
  • school research
  • improvements to the School’s structure and facilities
  • student activities
  • arts and cultural activities
  • careers support for students and graduates

We take appropriate precautions to protect Personal Data from loss, misuse, unauthorised access or disclosure, alteration or destruction. All personal data is stored in secure databases.

Our enquiry database, Salesforce, is securely hosted in the USA by Salesforce Inc. a global leader in database software, operating under a formal agreement with the School.

Our student database, ‘Tribal EBS’ is securely hosted in the UK by Tribal Group Plc, a UK leader in educational database management, operating under a formal agreement with the School.

The information held on these databases can only be accessed by authorised members of MetFilm.

No information is shared with third parties except for legitimate public interest collection purposes such as designated HESA returns or as required in the normal course of business to support services provided to you.

We may disclose Personal Data so far as reasonably necessary:

  • with our partners as may be required in the normal course of business to provide you with the courses, products and other services that you have booked or ordered.
  • within the Arts Alliance Ltd. group of companies (which includes Arts Alliance Ltd. Met Film School Ltd. MetFilm Ltd, and City Screen Ltd.) to monitor and improve the courses, products and other services you receive from us.
  • to protect us or our other customers or the public and/or to minimize our exposure to breach of applicable law or regulation or the risk of civil or criminal proceedings and/or to respond to claims of violation of third party rights.
  • in the context of a sale or merger of all or part of our business.
  • with our staff and advisers in the ordinary course of business

We will never sell, or make any form of profit from, information we hold about you.

The Higher Education Statistics Agency Limited (HESA) is the body responsible for collecting and disseminating information about higher education in the UK and the Designated Data Body for England.

Data about you will be supplied to HESA for the purposes set out below. All information is used in compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018, and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Here is the full HESA Data Collection Notice.

Here is an overview of the purposes for which data is collected:

HESA collects data about the personal characteristics of students and information about their studies and qualifications. This might include sensitive details about students’ personal lives used for equality and diversity monitoring.

  • Purpose 1 – Named data used for public functions. Your HESA information is used by public authorities for their statutory and/or public functions including funding, regulation and policy-making purposes. Your information is provided by reference to your name, but your information will not be used to make decisions about you.
  • Purpose 2 – Administrative uses. Your named data may be processed by public authorities for the detection or prosecution of fraud. These uses of your HESA information may result in decisions being made about you.
  • Purpose 3 – HESA publications. HESA publishes statistics about students in higher education.
  • Purpose 4 – Equal opportunity, research, journalism and other processing for statistical and research purposes.

HESA information is used for research into higher education and the student population. This research can be academic, commercial, journalistic or for personal reasons. HESA prohibits the identification of individual students by those carrying out this research and information is not shared on a named basis.

Linking Your HESA Information to Other Information

  • HESA information is sometimes linked to other data sources to enable more detailed research and analysis.

Student and Leaver Surveys

  • You may be asked to provide information about your experience as a student and your activities after you graduate as part of national surveys.

Your Rights

  • Data protection legislation gives you rights over your personal data. These include rights to know what information is processed about you and how it is processed. These rights have to be met by HESA and any other organisation which takes decisions about how or why your information is processed.

Data transfers to other countries

  • Your HESA information may be transferred to countries outside the European Union for the purposes described above.

We will from time to time communicate with you by email, post and telephone to pursue the purposes mentioned above. In particular we regularly communicate with people for the following purposes:

  • to share news about courses we offer
  • to share news about the School (including its services) and our alumni (including promotion of discounts and services for alumni)
  • to share news about the Companies we run
  • to invite you to events and reunions
  • to invite you to support our fundraising activity

To manage your communication preferences or unsubscribe from them you can email, click on a link at the bottom of any email we send you, or contact us via telephone and we will unsubscribe you.

MetFilm will retain information on enquiring students for up to 7 years. This has been determined to be a suitable period of time to ensure that where students re-enquire or reapply to the school MetFilm is able to offer suitable advice.

MetFilm will retain information on alumni for an indefinite period of time – or until asked to remove it by you. Some information, for example details about gifts and gift aid may have a statutory minimum period of retention for audit purposes. If you decide that you no longer wish to be part the alumni community please note that we still need to keep a minimal amount of personal data so that we can keep a record that you have asked us to remove you.

Under GDPR you have:

  • the right to be informed
  • the right of access
  • the right of rectification
  • the right to erasure
  • the right to restrict processing
  • the right to data portability
  • the right to object
  • rights in relation to automated decision-making and profiling

Should you require more information on any of these rights, please visit for further information.

All of these rights exist for you with MetFilm, and if for whatever reason you feel that your rights have not been upheld, then please in the first instance contact us so we can seek to resolve the issue.

Should you have any complaints about the way we are processing your data, you may also complain directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office. Please see for details on this process.

MetFilm processes your personal data under various different categories.

MetFilm considers the majority of its processing to be covered by the concepts of legitimate interest where the aim of fostering a strong student and alumni network and supporting the functioning of the current School, its students and other stakeholders underpins all of its activities.

More information on our legitimate interests that we believe we use can be found here:

Read the MetFilm Legitimate Interests Statement.

MetFilm will also sometimes process your data based upon your consent, which will be clearly requested of you at the time you submit your information.

When you book a course with us, MetFilm will also process your data based upon the contract formed between us.

If you are concerned with any matters relating to data protection, please contact our data protection officer by email at