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Metfilm School

Metfilm School

International Agents

Find an international agent

An education recruitment agent makes it easy for you to submit your application, accept your offer, apply for a student visa and prepare for international student life.

It is important for you to use a MetFilm School registered recruitment agent as they are approved by us to offer you professional and reliable advice.

International students can also apply directly to MetFilm School.


Trusted agents

MetFilm School works with the following education recruitment agents. Please contact them directly if you would like to receive advice about studying with us.

Agent counselling services include:

  • Advice on course selection
  • Brochures and essential documents
  • Country and city information
  • Assistance with application forms
  • Visa advice

If you would like to apply to become an International Agent please complete our application form. 

Resources for current agents can be found here (Password Protected).



Find an agent from the list below

Find an agent from the list below



World Plus Education Co, Ltd

Sahacharter Consulting Company Ltd


Contact Us

We’re committed to making your transition to the UK or Germany as smooth as possible. For help, support or advice, please call us between 9am-5:30pm GMT using the contact details below.

Admissions Enquiries