A project or piece of content that either engages a specific audience or makes an impact on people’s lives – or both! To win this category students need to explain how they identified or found their audience, developed content specific to that audience and then promoted it to them with evidence of success in either the way they responded (e.g. numbers, likes, feedback) or in demonstrable changes to people’s perception of an issue, problem or cause.
A project that showcases technical or craft skills. For example, this could be in the exceptional use of sound or lighting, digital manipulation, editing or post production solutions, set construction and design, musical composition or stunning graphics. This award will go to a team who demonstrate smart thinking allied to a real understanding of the technical possibilities of their chosen medium or platform.
This award will go to a project or content that seeks to bring attention to the diversity of the world we live in, or to a community cause. It could be content or projects promoting LGBT, gender, ethnicity and other diversity causes, or a community cause that could make a real difference to people’s lives.
This award will go to a project that demonstrates smart thinking in the business of screen. It could be the fundraising of the project, the promotion of the end product or any other project that shows exceptional business sense.
This award will go to a project that shows new, fresh ideas that are unexpected and innovative regardless of their format. We will award the screen artifact that pushes the boundaries, showing exceptional originality and awareness of the possibilities of its chosen medium.
This award will go to a piece of outstanding creative content that demonstrates excellence in every aspect of its execution, from the script development to the postproduction.