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Covid-19 MetFilm School Response

The information on this page is current on: 20th April 2022.

Covid-19: MetFilm School’s Response

We are, of course, deeply aware of the uncertainty, confusion, and fear that the pandemic is creating for us all, and particularly conscious of the questions that it must raise in your and your family’s minds about how your experience as a student will be affected. We hope that you will find the information on this page reassuring and informative.

At the London and Berlin campuses, you are able to attend teaching sessions in person – the timing of which is linked to your module schedules. In order to optimise your practical learning, there may be some adjustments to your timetables which will be communicated by your course teams in due course.

There is expected to be an increasing amount of coronavirus in the community. MetFilm School protocols will therefore remain in place for the foreseeable future, and it is imperative that you follow the coronavirus protocols. 

During the pandemic, we have learnt some valuable lessons about how to connect with our student community digitally, and as we are to return to a full campus experience, we are also committed to maintaining and building the enhancements around this experience that our digital environment can facilitate. This includes the Virtual Grindhouse, our new online community, home to a plethora of impressive guest speakers and curated opportunities from across the industry.

In addition, if you are unable to join us at the return to campus because of pandemic-related travel restrictions, visa issues, or other reasons – don’t worry. We will work with you directly to provide ways for you to engage in learning remotely, joining the course physically at a later date. We guarantee that you will not miss out.

The frequently asked questions (FAQs) below will answer many of your questions. However, if you have further questions, current students can email, and new students and potential applicants can email, call +44 20 8290 9119, or speak to our Admissions Team.

Learning, Teaching, and Assessment

Will my learning experience be any different?

We are delighted to confirm that the MetFilm School is currently delivering our full range of courses.

How has the School’s approach to Teaching and Learning changed in response to Covid-19?

The School has developed an approach which we have called Mixed Teaching, designed to ensure that students get the fullest possible physical experience combined with the benefit of digital technologies.

  • The majority of teaching is in person – eg workshops, seminars, productions. There are guidelines to minimise transmission risk for students and tutors.
  • Students who cannot be there for health or travel reasons are able to engage online, usually through Teams, and there will be enhancements available to tutors to enable better connection with the online community.
  • Where there are cohorts with significant numbers not present in-person, we can create separate online groups.

What if I can’t get there at the start of the programme?

If you are unable to join us at the start of the course or rejoin us because of pandemic-related travel restrictions, visa issues, or other reasons – don’t worry. We will work with you directly to provide ways for you to engage in learning remotely, joining the course physically at a later date. We guarantee that you will not miss out.

Please stay in touch with the team, and we will give you guidance.

What will happen if the public health situation changes?

The School has an Outbreak Plan which it has developed in consultation with Public Health England and will adapt to local and national changes in line with public health guidance at the time. Depending on the extent of the outbreak and guided by the National Institute for Health Protection (NIPH), restrictions will be implemented in a phased manner, according to the following 4 tiers:

  • Tier 1: this is the default position, whereby the School provides a combination of face-to-face tuition and – where necessary and appropriate – online learning – following our Mixed Teaching approach explained in the MFS London Coronavirus Secure Operating Procedures, which is consistent with the latest public health guidance.
  • Tier 2: this is the fallback position, where we would have to move to an increased level of online learning.  We will prioritise the continuation of face-to-face provision based on their own risk assessments. In the majority of cases, this will be for those parts of the courses where it is most beneficial (for example, practical projects).
  • Tier 3: this is where stricter measures are needed, whereby we will increase the level of online learning to retain face-to-face provision for priority courses and in as a limited number of situations as possible. Students will need to follow government guidance published as part of any additional restrictions applied locally. We will support students by keeping services for students open.
  • Tier 4: this is the last resort, and we expect the majority of provision to be online, with buildings open for essential workers only.

Regardless of the tier of restriction currently in place for teaching provision, all schools and universities, students and staff are required by the government to comply with guidance issued on wider restrictions. National Institute for Health Protection (NIPH) will issue and regularly update guidance on how any additional restrictions imposed will apply to students moving between university and home.

The School will get in touch with all students as quickly as possible if there are any changes to our operations or teaching as a result of public health guidance.

Student Health and Wellbeing

What do I do if I think I have coronavirus symptoms?

Try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people

If you have symptoms of a respiratory infection, such as COVID-19, and you have a high temperature or do not feel well enough to go to work or carry out normal activities, try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people, until you no longer have a high temperature (if you had one) or until you no longer feel unwell.

It is particularly important to avoid close contact with anyone who you know is at higher risk of becoming seriously unwell if they are infected with COVID-19 and other respiratory infections, especially those whose immune system means that they are at higher risk of serious illness, despite vaccination.

If you have been asked to attend a medical or dental appointment in person, contact your healthcare provider and let them know about your symptoms.

You may wish to ask friends, family or neighbours to get food and other essentials for you.

What Should I do if I think I might be part of a vulnerable group?

Please contact your Course Leader and the Welfare Team on 020 8280 9119 or and, if able to do so, keep up with your studies using our online learning support and resources.

Should I self-isolate?

It is important that you follow the latest official advice on self-isolation, social distancing and other measures. If you are self-isolating do not come to the campus.

For the latest guidance about whether you need to self-isolate and for how long, please see this page on the NHS website.

Is MetFilm School open?

At both the London and Berlin campuses, you are able to attend teaching sessions in person – the timing of which is linked to your module schedules. In order to optimise your practical learning, there may be some adjustments to your timetables which will be communicated by your course teams in due course.

We are committed to offering all current and new students the full practical experience that you signed up to, physically on site.

Who should I contact at MetFilm School with concerns?

If you have any concerns about the coronavirus, please contact Student Services on 020 8280 9119 or

Who can I talk to if I’m feeling very worried or down, or I have an urgent problem?

Our Student Welfare team will be available to support you and will respond between 9-5, Monday to Friday. You can contact us on 020 8280 9119 or

For urgent support outside these hours please contact:

  • The Samaritans – 116 123
  • NHS Direct – 111
  • Emergency services – Fire, Police or Ambulance – 999
  • Nightline – 020 7631 0101

Current International/Student Visa  Advice

What if my visa is about to expire?

If you are still in the UK and your visa is due to expire, you should follow the advice on the official government webpage.

You can also contact Student Advice who will be able to help you and give you further advice.

New Students starting in 2022

Can I still apply?

For further information on how to apply, please visit:

Will I still be able to study in the UK?

MetFilm School supports nationwide and international efforts to limit risk of infections from the coronavirus disease. The special occupational health and safety measures described in this plan are designed to safeguard the health of students and staff whilst enabling our educational programming and productions under carefully considered and designed specific conditions.

In so doing, the school is working to the following principles:

  • each course will deliver all the original learning outcomes, and we will ensure that by the end of the programme you will have had the same level of practical activity and productions
  • we are taking advice from government, public health agencies, and academic bodies, and will continue to work within government-imposed restrictions.
  • we are listening to your feedback to ensure the programme works for you
  • there may be changes to your timetables, and your course teams will share this information with you as they become clear

What is the start date in Autumn 2022?

Start dates are now on the course pages of the website and have been communicated to all students enrolled on programmes.

When can I apply for my visa?

Once you have accepted your unconditional offer of a place or cleared your condition on the offer you hold and paid your first years fee, we will check your documentation to ensure that you will be eligible to obtain a visa and subject to you having the appropriate finances in place, we will issue you with a Confirmation of Acceptance to Study (CAS). Visa decisions will be made by the UKVI.

What if there are still border restrictions or I cannot get to the UK?

Yes, if you are unable to join us at the start of the course because of pandemic related travel restrictions, visa issues, or other reasons – don’t worry. We will work with you directly to provide ways for you to engage in learning remotely, joining the course physically at a later date. We will work with you to ensure that you catch up on any practical learning that you have missed.

Will the campus be safe?

When you are on campus, we will follow current MetFilm  guidance and best practice in both the Higher Education and film production worlds to ensure that you are as safe as possible. In the event of any further public health lockdowns, we will ensure that your learning experience continues remotely, and all practical production activities and film productions will be rescheduled. We will ensure that your learning goals, filmmaking experience, and qualifications are not harmed.

How will I be supported?

Met Film School has various digital platforms which we use to deliver online learning and support to students when not on the campus. You will also be supported by your programme team, and the School’s Student Services and Academic Support team – which you will also be able to access online if you should have any problems.


What steps can I take if I'm not happy with any aspect of provision or service and I'd like to raise my concerns?

If at any point you are not happy with the Schools action (or lack of action) in relation to any aspect of your experience (including teaching) you can provide us with feedback by raising it with your course manager, course leader or a member of Student Services staff. You can also provide feedback which is formally noted through the student representation system. Staff are usually very responsive to student concerns. In the rare event that you remain unhappy after discussing your concerns with staff, you can contact the Student Complaints Team: