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Student Takeover – Accommodation

Missed the January Deadline? It’s not too late


Metfilm School

Julian Kerridge

Filmmaking Tutor, MetFilm School Brighton

Julian began his career as an actor working extensively in Television and performing in seasons with the RSC and National Theatre. After the critical success of his first short film (Mr John) in 2005, he decided to retrain as a director.

Seamonsters is Julians debut feature film starring Rita Tushingham, Reece Noi, and Jack Mcmullen. It won the Grand Jury Prize at the Nantes Film festival 2012 and was nominated for best fiction film at the Austin film festival and at Raindance that year. Seamonsters can currently be seen on amazon prime. He also directed the internet drama series “Celia & Chloe” co-produced by Disney and watched by over three million people in seven countries.
