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Meet the Student Senate: Bhumika Bansal, President (MA Directing, London)

By Elise Czyzowska

25 March 2022

The student body is at the heart of everything we do at MetFilm School, and our Student Senate, led by Student President Bhumika Bansal, helps us to keep growing and improving.

Bhumika Bansal, MA Directing student at MetFilm School London, is the current Student President of the Senate, and we caught up with her to learn more about her position, and how it’s changed her experience of her degree.

What brought you to study at MetFilm School?

I always wanted to study abroad, and London, being the heart of art and culture, I couldn’t think of a better place for me to pursue my postgraduate degree. I chose MetFilm School because it is not only situated right in the oldest functioning film studio in the world, but it would also provide me with the practical exposure I require. Also, considering the diversity that MetFilm School offers, I knew it would help broaden my horizons.

If I could possibly articulate all that is evoked within me while watching a film, I would say that feeling is precisely why I want to pursue direction. Films are so beautiful. What a privilege to be able to tell stories. To do that to the best of my abilities, I chose to do a Master’s in Directing.

Bhumika taking in the sights of Edinburgh!

What is the Student Senate, and how does it work?

The Student Senate is a bridge between the School and the students. We represent all the students and are a channel of communication. We provide feedback to the School to improve the overall learning experience.

We are always available to the students regarding any concerns that they have. We take note of it and hold meetings with the School authorities where all ideas, complaints, and feedback are discussed. After this, any necessary steps are taken. We fundamentally help to amplify student voices and to bring about positive action.

Why did you decide to run for Student President?

Since I was young, I have always taken up leadership roles. I believe it comes naturally to me. From being the class monitor to being the captain of the basketball team at my previous university (I know, I don’t look the part), I was there.

At the risk of sounding like a politician, I do like to stand up for everyone, and to help bring about positive and productive change in every way possible. So, when I heard about the role of Student President at MetFilm School, I knew I had to take a shot.

How has the Student Senate changed your experience of your degree?

When you’re a director on set, you are essentially responsible for everything. You have to muster all your communication, organisational and time management skills, as well as listening, relationship building – you name it!

These are, I believe, the precise skills you require for being the Student President. You have to take charge of your entire team. I am undeniably learning layers of my course whilst being Student President.

Bhumika gaining inspiration for her next project!

Can you share any tips for organising your time?

I suppose all students tend to struggle with that sometimes. What has been helpful for me personally is maintaining a planner that I keep on my desk. I make a note of all my Senate meetings and course deadlines so that I can manage my time accordingly. When there are multiple projects going on, it helps me to not forget anything and to schedule my days better. Besides that, to be honest, I just wing it!

Bhumika, as our final question: if you could share one message from the Student Senate, what would it be?

Being an international student, I understand how overwhelming things can get sometimes, and we want to help make your time here easier. I am aware that we are all here to refine our respective crafts, network, and to create something we can be proud of.

As your Senate members, we want to create room for us all to flourish together in an ever-improving environment. We are always eager to hear from you, so please feel free to approach us!

If you would like to contact a member of the MetFilm School Student Senate, please email