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Metfilm School

Drew Richards

Creative Technology Tutor, MetStudios Brighton

Drew makes things that make people smile. His work encompasses eggs, inflatables, furniture, and – of course – games. With a background as a designer and maker, he is interested in the physical interaction between people and objects.

Drew is passionate about engaging people in design through play. His modus operandi involves looking at play in physical spaces on a larger scale, as well as tabletop interaction. He has delivered workshops for the likes of Crafts Council, Nike, and The Princes’ Trust. As well as delivering and exhibiting interactive works at an eclectic range of events, including the London Design Festival, Tokyo Gift Fair, and the MK&G in Hamburg, Drew is a seasoned educator, having previously lectured at Ravensbourne, Goldsmiths, and Brighton Universities.

He has worked across a spectrum of game design practices, from having four commercial games licensed with global publishers to a sculptural game/interaction piece exhibited in Milan. Drew is an inherently collaborative practitioner, and has worked making ‘flying machines’ with 4-year-olds, as well as developing games to discuss the future of the circular economy with architects in Jernebanebyen, a district in Copenhagen.
